Plastics Technology México: Imanes de caja Imanes de caja   Los imanes de caja se colocan generalmente debajo de una tolva de reserva, tolva de secado o directamente sobre la garganta de la máquina para que cuando el material fluya a través de la unidad, los imanes dentro recojan cualquier partícula de metal ferroso. Esto protege la máquina de procesamiento de daños en el tornillo o de taponamientos de orificios de boquillas, moldes o canales calientes. Los imanes de gran alcance se sujetan generalmente a una placa de policarbonato desmontable que funciona como un cajón para que los imanes se puedan quitar fácilmente y limpiar (abajo a la derecha). Características a buscar: Entrada deslizante — Para que flujo de material pueda ser interrumpido mientras se limpia la puerta deslizante. So material flow can be interrupted while the slide gate is cleaned Opción de alta temperatura — Permite el uso con materiales a 275F. Conozca más sobre imanes de caja para la industria plástica. vie., 15 abr. 2011 15:05:08 -0400 Station Valves This component may be called a station valve, a station ‘T’ or a vacuum sequencing valve. This component may be called a station valve, a station ‘T’ or a vacuum sequencing valve. In all cases, it is an air-actuated valve that controls the flow of vacuum at each station receiver. A station valve is required for every receiver in a central system. They are usually made of aluminum and their inlet/outlet tubes are sized to match the diameter of the vacuum line.

Station valves are attached to the vacuum line associated with each receiver. They can be mounted over top or even behind the receivers. They often include a pop-up indicator, which is a visual indication of whether the station is working properly or not.

They may also be built into or on top of each receiver. The built-in station valves make receiver installation easier but they do add to the bulk and weight of the receivers.
