Plastics Technology México: Separadores electrónicos de metal Separadores electrónicos de metal   Este tipo de separador de metales tiene una electrónica altamente sensible que reacciona ante pequeñas partículas de metal ferrosas y no ferrosas de 0,5 mm. Por lo general, se atornillan directamente sobre la garganta de una máquina de procesamiento en una aplicación con un avance lento de estrangulación. Los metales ferrosos y el acero inoxidable, aluminio, cobre, latón, níquel y plomo - incluyendo retriturado contaminado, son detectados y eliminados automáticamente de la corriente de material. Características a buscar: Mecanismo automático de rechazo de vacío accionado por Venturi.   — Con una puerta corredera de acción rápida accionada neumáticamente. Ningún 'punto ciego' en ciclo de rechazo. — Ofrece un desempeño de rechazo superior que reduce el riesgo de daños en la costosa máquina. Más información sobre separadores de metales electrónicos.   vie., 15 abr. 2011 15:05:08 -0400 Station Valves This component may be called a station valve, a station ‘T’ or a vacuum sequencing valve. This component may be called a station valve, a station ‘T’ or a vacuum sequencing valve. In all cases, it is an air-actuated valve that controls the flow of vacuum at each station receiver. A station valve is required for every receiver in a central system. They are usually made of aluminum and their inlet/outlet tubes are sized to match the diameter of the vacuum line.

Station valves are attached to the vacuum line associated with each receiver. They can be mounted over top or even behind the receivers. They often include a pop-up indicator, which is a visual indication of whether the station is working properly or not.

They may also be built into or on top of each receiver. The built-in station valves make receiver installation easier but they do add to the bulk and weight of the receivers.
